Charges against ACT pro-lifers dismissed, and Qantas pushes “diversity”

The rollercoaster ride continued this week – kicked off with controversial new staff policies from Qantas and finishing with some encouraging news for life and freedom.


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Battles and opportunities

We kick off this week’s update with some good news: we have met our target for our “Thank you, Bermuda” campaign. That means over 1000 supporters have now added their thank you to Bermuda on standing for man-woman marriage!

As a result, we will send an official letter of encouragement for Bermuda this week on your behalf.  We hope it will greatly encourage Bermudans to remain firm on true marriage.

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Our new deputy PM

The past week has been far from boring – with the resignation of our deputy prime minister and the appointment of his successor, the brewing of a trans-Tasman transgender dispute and the passing away of “America’s pastor”. Please read on.


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Our religious freedom submission, trans-swimming madness, and more!

Last week, we shared with you that Bermuda was being pressured by international LGBT groups for reinstating marriage as only between a man and a woman.

We can now report the good news that, despite pressure from Labour and the Greens in the UK, the British Government will not intervene in the situation.

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Our submission to the Expert Panel on Religious Freedom

Submissions for the Federal Government inquiry into religious freedom are now closed, and the committee is due to report its findings on 31 March.

Thank you to all of our supporters who joined us in standing up for religious freedom by writing and lodging a submission. 

Below is the AFC submission to the panel, which argues there are significant challenges to religious freedom here in Australia, and that strong, positive protections for religious freedom should be written into Australian law.


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Ruddock Inquiry, 40 Days for Life and Qld Abortion Inquiry

The Australian Family Coalition has been gearing up for a very busy 2018, and there’s already plenty to share with you – including upcoming 40 Days for Life campaigns, a Queensland abortion inquiry, and a national religious freedom inquiry. Please read on!

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Help us defend religious freedom in Australia

Despite assurances during last year’s same-sex "marriage" campaign from "equality" activists and their fellow travellers in the media, the corporate world and the political arena, preserving our freedoms was not part of their agenda.

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After the marriage vote: where to in 2018?

There’s no point trying to sugar-coat the result of the marriage postal survey – or what happened subsequently in our Federal Parliament. The passing of the Dean Smith bill for same-sex “marriage”, almost completely unamended, was a shocking outcome.

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EXPOSED: Labor's plans AFTER marriage is redefined

This 41 second clip will leave you in no doubt about what we're really voting on in the plebiscite.

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