Battles and opportunities

We kick off this week’s update with some good news: we have met our target for our “Thank you, Bermuda” campaign. That means over 1000 supporters have now added their thank you to Bermuda on standing for man-woman marriage!

As a result, we will send an official letter of encouragement for Bermuda this week on your behalf.  We hope it will greatly encourage Bermudans to remain firm on true marriage.



Religious freedom in Australia

Much closer to home, our director, Damian Wyld, has been busy over the past few weeks in the push to defend religious freedom in Australia.

As we shared with you recently, the Australian Family Coalition lodged a submission to the federal inquiry into religious freedom last month. (Click HERE to read our full submission).

Since then, Damian has met several times with the Government-appointed inquiry panel led by Phillip Ruddock.

AFC has argued that it is no longer good enough to simply have anti-discrimination “exemptions” for religious bodies – exemptions that can be taken away at the whim of activist MPs.

Rather, the Government should introduce positive laws to support and enshrine key freedoms already legally recognised internationally.

We hope that the panel acknowledges the importance of religious freedom in its report due at the end of March.

Battles and opportunities like these are the reason the Australian Family Coalition exists!

Our humble organisation is powered by a small group of part-time staff who are passionate about building strong families and defending and promoting key freedoms here in Australia.

Our organisation is also powered by you – our supporters all over Australia (and even some overseas). In fact, we rely solely on your support to keep our doors open.

Will you help us continue this work by making a donation today? We’d really appreciate it, and we will make sure it goes a long way!

Please click here to help support the Australian Family Coalition.

People of virtue, moral conviction and faith will face increased hostility in coming years. That is the zeitgeist of our current time.

It’s crucial, however, that we stand firm in the face of persecution – because history shows us that phases like this cannot be anything but fleeting.

By standing together for family, faith and freedom, and by calling out the propaganda for what it is, we can continue to be an effective voice of reason.

This is a key long-term goal of the Australian Family Coalition – to encourage and mobilise those who will stand for the truth.

Will you partner with us throughout the journey?

Please click here today to help support our work! Any amount you can afford will help us continue to grow our organisation and be an increasingly effective voice here in Australia.

We appreciate your ongoing support!

Kind regards,

The Australian Family Coalition


P.S. We recently reached the milestone of 6000 ‘likes’ on Facebook. If you haven’t already done so, please like us on Facebook at: