The Australian Family Coalition has been gearing up for a very busy 2018, and there’s already plenty to share with you – including upcoming 40 Days for Life campaigns, a Queensland abortion inquiry, and a national religious freedom inquiry. Please read on!
Religious Freedom Inquiry
Despite assurances during last year’s same-sex “marriage” campaign from “equality” activists and their fellow travellers in the media, the corporate world and the political arena, preserving our freedom was not part of their agenda.
It never was.
So late last year, under pressure from a few good MPs and the majority of Coalition voters, PM Malcolm Turnbull announced an inquiry into religious freedom, chaired by former attorney-general Philip Ruddock.
Due to report in March 2018, this inquiry is supposed to go some way to restoring the balance upset by the changed Marriage Act.
Given it’s not a conventional parliamentary inquiry and concerns only religious freedom and not the other issues at risk (e.g. speech, parental rights) we need to be on the front foot. We must ensure that not only are our concerns heard, but they are also given voice and effect in the Federal Parliament.
We urgently need as many Australians as possible to make an individual submission to this inquiry. Submissions don’t need to be long or be written in complex language – they can simply reflect your personal experiences and views.
To make this as easy as possible, we have set up a page on our website with all the information you need to make a submission. Click the link below to help defend our religious freedom here in Australia:
40 Days for Life
From 14 February to 25 March, the Christian season of Lent, many in our community will take a stand for life – by taking part in 40 Days for Life, a coordinated, international movement of prayer to end abortion.
Here in Australia, there will be 40 days of prayer in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth. We encourage everyone to get involved in this good initiative – especially when our freedom to even support vulnerable mothers is under attack by so-called “exclusion zones”.
For more information, and to get involved, please click the following link and search for your nearest campaign:
Did you know that AFC director Damian Wyld is himself a former 40 Days for Life campaign director? Here he is with former Planned Parenthood clinic director, now ardent pro-life advocate, Abby Johnson in 2011.
Many lives have been saved during these campaigns, and many hearts changed – through something so simple, yet, powerful as prayer. Maybe you can help by adding yours?
Queensland Abortion Inquiry
In late February 2017, Queensland’s controversial and nefarious abortion bills were withdrawn by the man who tabled them, Independent then-MP Rob Pyne, to avoid an embarrassing defeat in Parliament.
The bills proposed that abortion should be completely decriminalised, all safeguards should be removed, and there should be an open slather approach – including late term abortions.
Unfortunately, this was not the end of the matter. Queensland’s Attorney-General Yvette D’Ath referred the current laws to the Queensland Law Reform Commission (QLRC) for consideration, and public submissions to the inquiry are due by next Tuesday (13 February).
Please consider making a brief submission to the QLRC. Helpful instructions are available at the Cherish Life website. Click the link below for more information:
Record Facebook growth
Those of you on Facebook may have noticed some exciting growth for our page recently. After reaching 5000 “likers” just after the new year, we already have almost 6000 likers at the time of writing this email!
It’s clear that Australians are becoming increasingly concerned about the threats to our hard-won values and freedoms.
These threats will only keep coming in 2018. But apathy is not an option; we must rise to the challenge.
If you haven’t already done so, please like us on Facebook at:
And please invite your like-minded friends and family to stay informed by liking our page – and by signing up to receive our emails at
Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to partnering with you through the many challenges this year presents.
Kind regards,
The Australian Family Coalition