Urgent: help us block NSW anti-free speech legislation

The NSW upper house recently passed a bill banning pro-life speech within 150 metres of abortion clinics.

Concerningly, this bill could be debated in the lower house as soon as tomorrow and could even come to a vote this week!


Not only is this legislation a grave attack on free speech, it also a deplorable attack on women and children at a vulnerable point in their lives.

For decades, pro-lifers have been peacefully and respectfully offering distressed mothers a life-giving alternative to the termination of their baby – and hundreds of lives have been saved due to their efforts.

By banning this life-giving advice, our politicians are leaving our women with only one side of the story – the side put forward by those who profit from abortions.

That’s why we are asking for your help.

Please urgently phone your local state MP and ask them to vote against Penny Sharpe’s exclusion-zone bill.

You can find the contact details of your local MP here:



The supporters of this bill, including many in the media, like to tell us that women are being threatened and abused on their way into abortion clinics.

This is simply not true – and such behaviour would clearly be counter-productive.

In fact, many of the volunteer counsellors in NSW are simply women who are concerned for the welfare of other women and their precious babies.

As nineteen-year-old counsellor Bethany says:

"I have witnessed many women enter the abortion clinic, and I know that too many are not going in of their own accord. Often there is someone, a partner or parent, physically pushing them along. Sometimes they’re even crying as they enter. These are not happy, empowered women! There is a serious lack of love and care for these beautiful women in crisis pregnancy situations. And so I stand there with my pamphlets in hand; just a sister wanting to help in whatever way possible. I don’t want to see any woman have to go endure the pain of an abortion if they don’t want to have one."

Bethany defending pro-life volunteers outside NSW Parliament House. Photo: Giovanni Portelli
Bethany defending pro-life volunteers outside NSW Parliament House. Photo: Giovanni Portelli

Please support their work of counsellors like Bethany by contacting your MP immediately.

Thank you for standing up for the unborn in NSW!

Kind regards,

The Australian Family Coalition


P.S. You can find out more about the brave sidewalk counsellors by clicking here:
