Lodge a submission to keep extreme abortion laws out of Queensland!

NOTE: This campaign is now CLOSED!


The Queensland Labor Government is proposing some of the most extreme abortion laws in the world.

Legislation was tabled in State Parliament last week, and now the matter has been referred to a parliamentary committee.

The committee is now calling for written submissions addressing the Bill from all interested parties. Submissions close next Wednesday, 5 September. That's only ONE WEEK away!

So, now we need to make another HUGE statement on behalf of Queensland's unborn children!

Wherever you are in Australia, please click here to lodge a submission today – it only takes a couple of minutes.

Just remember the implications should this nefarious legislation pass Queensland's parliament. 

The Termination of Pregnancy Bill 2018 would allow sex-selective abortions, allow abortion for any reason up until 22 weeks of pregnancy, allow abortion from 22 weeks right up to birth (provided the consulting doctor gets telephone concurrence from a colleague) and force medical professionals with conscientious objection to abortion to refer patients.

The Bill would also ban free speech within 150 metres of an abortion clinic. This might include anything from prayer to offers of practical support for vulnerable women and couples. The maximum penalties will be a $2611 fine or one year in jail.

Let's tell the committee this legislation is unacceptable

Click here to send your submission today!

For your convenience, we have pre-prepared a submission which can be used if you are short on time. Otherwise, you are free to edit the text or write your own.

Note: your name, email address will be automatically included with the submission, as required by the committee.

Thank you for standing up for Queensland’s unborn children.

Kind regards,

The Australian Family Coalition


P.S. Here is the full URL:
